Tag Index

 AkitoshiKawamura (1) AlexandrKostochka (2) AlfredoHubard (2) AndrasSebo (2) AndreasGalanis (1) AndreasHolmsen (7) AndrewGoodall (1) AndrewKing (1) AntoineVigneron (2) ArseniyAkopyan (1) BernardLidicky (1) BogdanOporowski (1) BojanMohar (1) BorisAronov (1) BrendanRooney (2) BryanWilkinson (1) CarstenThomassen (2) CaseyTompkins (1) CharilaosEfthymiou (1) ChrisGodsil (1) ChristianSommer (1) Chun-HungLiu (2) CoryPalmer (1) CyrilNicaud (1) DabeenLee (1) DanielKral (3) DanielStefankovic (1) DavidEppstein (1) DavidRoberson (1) DieterSpreen (1) EdgardoRoldan (1) EdwardKim (2) EricVigoda (8) FrancesRosamond (1) GaryMacGillivray (1) GenaHahn (1) GeorgeNemhauser (1) GregMarkowsky (1) HansBodlaender (1) HelmutAlt (1) HenryLiu (1) HermanshuKaul (1) Hiu-FaiLaw (1) HongLiu (4) JackKoolen (4) JakobWitzig (1) JakubGajarský (1) JakubTeska (1) JarikNesetril (1) JiangZeng (1) JinfangWang (1) JinyoungPark (1) JohannMakowsky (2) Jon-LarkKim (1) JonLee (1) JonathanNoel (1) JoonkyungLee (1) KenichiKawarabayashi (3) KevinHendrey (1) LarsJaffke (1) LouShapiro (1) LuisSerrano (1) MadhuSudan (1) MamadouMoustaphaKanté (1) MariaChudnovsky (4) MarkSiggers (4) MartinZiegler (1) MaryamVerdianRizi (1) MasahikoYoshinaga (1) MasaoIshikawa (1) MattDeVos (3) MatthewG.Parker (1) MatthieuJosuat-Verges (1) MichaelDobbins (3) MichaelFellows (1) MichaelLampis (1) MihyunKang (1) MitsuguHirasaka (3) MohitKumbhat (1) NIMS (1) NeilImmerman (1) OtfriedCheong (4) PascalGollin (1) PatriceOssonadeMendez (1) PaulSeymour (4) PaulWollan (1) PetrHliněný (1) PhilippKlausKrause (1) PinyanLu (1) PoshenLoh (1) RobertBrignall (1) RobertSchwarz (1) RomanKarasev (1) RonAharoni (1) RoseMcCarty (1) RoyMeshulam (1) RuthLuo (1) SangJuneLee (1) SatoruIwata (2) SenPengEu (1) SeogJinKim (1) SergeyNorin (1) SergioCabello (2) ShakharSmorodinsky (2) ShishuoFu (1) ShuichiMiyazaki (1) SpencerBackman (1) StefanGruenewald (1) SuilO (1) SunKim (1) TeranceTao (1) ThomasLam (1) ThorstenKoch (1) TillmannMiltzow (1) TobiasMuller (1) TomasKaiser (1) TommyJensen (3) TomooMatsumura (1) TonyHuynh (4) UweSchauz (1) ValiaMitsou (1) VanVu (1) VissarionFisikopoulos (1) XavierGoaoc (6) XudingZhu (3) YaokunWu (1) YitongYin (1) YoshioOkamoto (1) YoshioSano (1) Zi-XiaSong (1) antoinedeza (1) colloquium (13) imrebarany (2) 강동엽 (1) 강미현 (3) 강순이 (1) 고두원 (1) 국웅 (2) 권영수 (3) 권오정 (5) 권창현 (2) 김린기 (2) 김병찬 (1) 김상욱 (1) 김상현 (2) 김석진 (7) 김선 (1) 김연진 (3) 김은정 (7) 김일희 (2) 김장수 (7) 김재훈 (11) 김정한 (3) 김종락 (3) 김진우 (1) 김하나 (1) 노유미 (3) 박근수 (1) 박보람 (2) 박진영 (2) 방세정 (3) 백진언 (1) 서승현 (1) 신진우 (2) 신희성 (3) 안성수 (1) 안진후 (1) 안형찬 (2) 안희갑 (2) 엄상일 (4) 오세웅 (1) 오수일 (7) 오수호 (2) 오승상 (1) 옥성민 (2) 유미수 (2) 유환철 (4) 이다빈 (1) 이상준 (5) 이승진 (1) 이애자 (2) 이의웅 (4) 이준경 (6) 이준엽 (1) 이중범 (6) 임성진 (1) 정교민 (1) 정예림 (1) 정지윤 (1) 정하웅 (1) 조수진 (1) 최광주 (1) 최성순 (1) 최수영 (2) 최일규 (7) 최정옥 (2) 허준이 (4) 허충길 (1) 홍석희 (1) 홍성필 (1)

 AkitoshiKawamura (1)

[SoC Colloquium]Akitoshi Kawamura, Open Problems in Optimal Patrolling

 AlexandrKostochka (2)

Alexandr V. Kostochka, Reconstructing graphs from smaller subgraphs
Alexandr V. Kostochka, On Ramsey-type problems for paths and cycles in dense graphs

 AlfredoHubard (2)

Alfredo Hubard, Convex equipartitions of convex sets
KAIST Discrete Geometry Day 2012

 AndrasSebo (2)

András Sebő, The Salesman’s Improved Paths
(Colloquium) András Sebő, Classical tools and recent advances in combinatorial optimization

 AndreasGalanis (1)

Andreas Galanis, Approximately Counting H-Colorings is #BIS-Hard

 AndreasHolmsen (7)

Andreas Holmsen, Large cliques in hypergraphs with forbidden substructures
Andreas Holmsen, Nerves, minors, and piercing numbers
On the Erdős-Szekeres convex polygon problem
Andreas Holmsen, Topological methods in matching theory
Andreas Holmsen, On the Erdős-Szekeres Problem
Andreas Holmsen, Convex representations of Oriented Matroids
Andreas Holmsen, Points surrounding the origin

 AndrewGoodall (1)

Andrew Goodall, Graph polynomials from simple graph sequences

 AndrewKing (1)

Andrew King, Proving the Lovász-Plummer Conjecture

 AntoineVigneron (2)

Antoine Vigneron, Reachability in a Planar Subdivision with Direction Constraints
Antoine Vigneron, A conditional lower bound for computing the Gromov hyperbolicity of a discrete metric space

 ArseniyAkopyan (1)

KAIST Discrete Geometry Day 2012

 BernardLidicky (1)

Bernard Lidický, 3-coloring triangle-free planar graphs

 BogdanOporowski (1)

Bogdan Oporowski, Characterizing 2-crossing-critical graphs

 BojanMohar (1)

KAIST Graph Theory Day 2011

 BorisAronov (1)

Boris Aronov, The complexity of unions of shapes

 BrendanRooney (2)

Brendan Rooney, Eigenpolytopes, Equitable Partitions, and EKR-type Theorems
Brendan Rooney, Colourings, Vector Colourings and Cores

 BryanWilkinson (1)

Bryan Wilkinson, Generalized Davenport-Schinzel Sequences: Regaining Linearity

 CarstenThomassen (2)

Carsten Thomassen, On the Number of Spanning Trees, Orientations, and Cycles
(Colloquium) Carsten Thomassen, Rendezvous numbers and von Neumann’s min-max theorem

 CaseyTompkins (1)

Casey Tompkins, Extremal problems for Berge hypergraphs

 CharilaosEfthymiou (1)

Charilaos Efthymiou, A Simple Algorithm for Sampling Colourings of G(n, d/n) Up to Gibbs Uniqueness Threshold

 ChrisGodsil (1)

[Colloquium] Chris Godsil, Quantum walks on graphs

 ChristianSommer (1)

Christian Sommer, Approximate Shortest Path and Distance Queries in Networks

 Chun-HungLiu (2)

Chun-Hung Liu, Packing and covering topological minors and immersions
Chun-Hung Liu, Graph Structures and Well-Quasi-Ordering

 CoryPalmer (1)

Cory Palmer, A survey of Turán-type subgraph counting problems

 CyrilNicaud (1)

Cyril Nicaud, Introduction to analytic combinatorics

 DabeenLee (1)

Dabeen Lee, Integrality of set covering polyhedra and clutter minors

 DanielKral (3)

KAIST Graph Theory Day 2012
Daniel Král’, Total fractional colorings of graphs with large girth
Daniel Král’, Algebraic versions of Removal Lemma

 DanielStefankovic (1)

[FYI] KAIST Theory Day (May 31, 2015)

 DavidEppstein (1)

(CS Colloquium) David Eppstein, Graph algorithms in computational geometry

 DavidRoberson (1)

David Roberson, Homomorphisms of Strongly Regular Graphs

 DieterSpreen (1)

Dieter Spreen, Bi-Topological Spaces and the Continuity Problem

 EdgardoRoldan (1)

Edgardo Roldán-Pensado, On the colourful Helly theorem

 EdwardKim (2)

KAIST Discrete Geometry Day 2012
Edward D. Kim, On Diameters of Transportation and Network Flow Polytopes

 EricVigoda (8)

Eric Vigoda, Analyzing Markov Chains using Belief Propagation
[FYI] KAIST Theory Day (May 31, 2015)
Eric Vigoda, Computational Phase Transitions for the Potts Model
[Lecture Series] Eric Vigoda, Approximating the Permanent
[Lecture Series] Eric Vigoda, Introduction to Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods
[CS Colloquium] Eric Vigoda, Phase Transitions in Approximate Counting
Eric Vigoda, Improved bound on the phase transition for independent sets in the square lattice
Eric Vigoda, Markov Chain Monte Carlo and Approximating the Permanent

 FrancesRosamond (1)

Frances A. Rosamond, Determining the Winner of a Dodgson Election is Hard

 GaryMacGillivray (1)

Gary MacGillivray, Graph Partitions

 GenaHahn (1)

Gena Hahn, Cops, robbers, infinite graphs and related problems

 GeorgeNemhauser (1)

FYI: George L. Nemhauser, Branch-and-price Guided Search

 GregMarkowsky (1)

Greg Markowsky, Distance-Regular Graphs and Potential Theory

 HansBodlaender (1)

Hans L. Bodlaender, Algorithms on Tree Decompositions and Time Improvements

 HelmutAlt (1)

[SoC Colloquium] Helmut Alt, Packing Problems: Algorithms and Complexity

 HenryLiu (1)

Henry Liu, Highly connected subgraphs in sparse graphs

 HermanshuKaul (1)

Hermanshu Kaul, Finding Large induced subgraphs and allocation of resources under dependeny

 Hiu-FaiLaw (1)

Hiu-Fai Law, F-Matchings in a tree

 HongLiu (4)

Hong Liu, Polynomial Schur’s Theorem
Hong Liu, Enumerating sets of integers with multiplicative constraints
Hong Liu, Two conjectures in Ramsey-Turán theory
Hong Liu, On the maximum number of integer colourings with forbidden monochromatic sums

 JackKoolen (4)

Jack Koolen, m-Walk-regular graphs, a generalization of distance-regular graphs
Jack Koolen, On connectivity problems in distance-regular and strongly regular graphs
Special session on graph theory, 2011 Spring Meeting of the Korean Mathematical Society
Jack Koolen, Some topics in spectral graph theory

 JakobWitzig (1)

[NIMS Workshop] “Combinatorial Optimization at Work”

 JakubGajarský (1)

Jakub Gajarský, First-order interpretations of bounded expansion classes

 JakubTeska (1)

Jakub Teska, Generalized Hamiltonian Cycles

 JarikNesetril (1)

(Colloquium) Jaroslav Nešetřil, Limits of Structures and Sparse-Dense Dichotomy

 JiangZeng (1)

Jiang Zeng, Permutation Statistics on Signed Permutation Groups

 JinfangWang (1)

Jinfang Wang, Big Math Data: possibilities and challenges

 JinyoungPark (1)

Jinyoung Park (박진영), The number of maximal independent sets in the Hamming cube

 JohannMakowsky (2)

Johann A. Makowsky, The Complexity of Counting Generalized Colorings: New Results and Challenges
[Lecture Series] Johann Makowsky, Graph Polynomials

 Jon-LarkKim (1)

Jon-Lark Kim (김종락), Introduction to Boolean functions with Artificial Neural Network

 JonLee (1)

Jon Lee, Matroid Optimization

 JonathanNoel (1)

Jonathan Noel, The Best Way to Spread a Rumour in a High-Dimensional Grid

 JoonkyungLee (1)

Joonkyung Lee (이준경), On some properties of graph norms

 KenichiKawarabayashi (3)

KAIST Graph Theory Day 2011
(Colloquium) Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi, The disjoint paths problem: Algorithm and Structure
Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi, Graphs without subdivisions

 KevinHendrey (1)

Kevin Hendrey, The minimum connectivity forcing forest minors in large graphs

 LarsJaffke (1)

Lars Jaffke, A complexity dichotomy for critical values of the b-chromatic number of graphs

 LouShapiro (1)

Lou Shapiro, The uplift principle and the Riordan group

 LuisSerrano (1)

Luis Serrano, The down operator and expansions of near rectangular k-Schur functions

 MadhuSudan (1)

Madhu Sudan, Reliable Meaningful Communication

 MamadouMoustaphaKanté (1)

Mamadou Moustapha Kanté, On the enumeration of minimal transversals in hypergraphs

 MariaChudnovsky (4)

Paul Seymour and Maria Chudnovsky, Theory of excluding induced subgraphs [KAIST CMC Annual Distinguished Lecture]
KAIST Graph Theory Day 2012
KAIST Graph Theory Day 2011
Maria Chudnovsky, Packing seagulls in graphs with no stable set of size three

 MarkSiggers (4)

Mark Siggers, The reconfiguration problem for graph homomorpisms
Mark Siggers, The structure of near-unanimity graphs
Special session on graph theory, 2011 Spring Meeting of the Korean Mathematical Society
Mark H. Siggers, CSP Dichotomy and the Fibre Construction

 MartinZiegler (1)

[FYI] KAIST Theory Day (May 31, 2015)

 MaryamVerdianRizi (1)

Maryam Verdian-Rizi, Toroidal triangulations with few odd degree vertices

 MasahikoYoshinaga (1)

Masahiko Yoshinaga (吉永正彦), On the Free Arrangements and Truncated Affine Weyl Arrangements

 MasaoIshikawa (1)

Masao Ishikawa (石川雅雄), Refined Enumeration Problems of Totally Symmetric Self-Complementary Plane Partitions

 MattDeVos (3)

(Colloquium) Matt DeVos, On the structure of very small product sets
Matt DeVos, Immersion in Graphs and Digraphs
Matt DeVos, Additive combinatorics: subsets, sum-product problems, and graphs (KAIST CMC Special Lecture Series)

 MatthewG.Parker (1)

Matthew G. Parker, Exclusivity graphs from quantum graph states and mixed graph generalisations

 MatthieuJosuat-Verges (1)

Matthieu Josuat-Verges, Ehrhart polynomials and Eulerian statistic on permutations

 MichaelDobbins (3)

Michael Dobbins, Grassmanians and Pseudosphere Arrangements
KAIST Discrete Geometry Day 2012
Michael Dobbins, Realizability of Antiprisms

 MichaelFellows (1)

(CS Colloquium) Michael R. Fellows, The Evolution of the Multivariate Revolution in Algorithmics

 MichaelLampis (1)

Michael Lampis, Parameterized Approximation Schemes using Graph Widths

 MihyunKang (1)

Mihyun Kang (강미현), The genus of a random graph and the fragile genus property

 MitsuguHirasaka (3)

2014 KAIST CMC Discrete Math Workshop
Mitsugu Hirasaka, Zeta functions of adjacecny algebras
Mitsugu Hirasaka, Finding n such that every transitive permutation group of degree n is multiplicity-free

 MohitKumbhat (1)

Mohit Kumbhat, Choosability with separation in graphs and hypergraphs

 NIMS (1)

[NIMS Workshop] “Combinatorial Optimization at Work”

 NeilImmerman (1)

Neil Immerman, Towards Capturing Order-Independent P

 OtfriedCheong (4)

Otfried Cheong, Putting your coin collection on a shelf
Otfried Cheong, The reverse Kakeya problem
Otfried Cheong, A Generalization of Kakeya’s Problem
Otfried Cheong, Helly-Type Theorems for Line-Transversals to Spheres

 PascalGollin (1)

Pascal Gollin, A Cantor-Bernstein-type theorem for spanning trees in infinite graphs

 PatriceOssonadeMendez (1)

Patrice Ossona de Mendez, A model theoretical approach to sparsity

 PaulSeymour (4)

Paul Seymour and Maria Chudnovsky, Theory of excluding induced subgraphs [KAIST CMC Annual Distinguished Lecture]
KAIST Graph Theory Day 2012
KAIST Graph Theory Day 2011
(Colloquium) Paul Seymour, Well-quasi-ordering tournaments and Rao’s degree-sequence conjecture

 PaulWollan (1)

Paul Wollan, Solving the half-integral disjoint paths problem in highly connected digraphs

 PetrHliněný (1)

2014 KAIST CMC Discrete Math Workshop

 PhilippKlausKrause (1)

Philipp Klaus Krause, Irrelevant vertices for the planar Disjoint Paths Problem

 PinyanLu (1)

Pinyan Lu, Optimal Competitive Auctions

 PoshenLoh (1)

Po-Shen Loh, The critical window for the Ramsey-Turan problem

 RobertBrignall (1)

Robert Brignall, Characterising structure in classes with unbounded clique-width

 RobertSchwarz (1)

[NIMS Workshop] “Combinatorial Optimization at Work”

 RomanKarasev (1)

KAIST Discrete Geometry Day 2012

 RonAharoni (1)

(Intensive Lecture Series) Ron Aharoni, Lectures on topological methods in combinatorics

 RoseMcCarty (1)

Rose McCarty, Circle graphs are polynomially chi-bounded

 RoyMeshulam (1)

Roy Meshulam, Leray complexes – combinatorics and geometry

 RuthLuo (1)

Ruth Luo, Induced Turán problems for hypergraphs

 SangJuneLee (1)

Sang June Lee (이상준), On strong Sidon sets of integers

 SatoruIwata (2)

Satoru Iwata, Approximating Max-Min Weighted T-join
(Colloquium) Satoru Iwata, Submodular Optimization and Approximation Algorithms

 SenPengEu (1)

Sen-Peng Eu (游森棚), On Cyclic Sieving Phenomena

 SeogJinKim (1)

Seog-Jin Kim (김석진), Signed coloring and list coloring of k-chromatic graphs

 SergeyNorin (1)

Sergey Norin, Divisors on graphs

 SergioCabello (2)

Sergio Cabello, Subquadratic algorithms for the diameter and the sum of pairwise distances in planar graphs
Sergio Cabello, The Fibonacci dimension of a graph

 ShakharSmorodinsky (2)

Shakhar Smorodinsky, List coloring for geometric hypergraphs
(Colloquium) Shakhar Smorodinsky, Conflict-Free colorings

 ShishuoFu (1)

Shishuo Fu, A conjecture on the (q,t)-binomial coefficients

 ShuichiMiyazaki (1)

Shuichi Miyazaki (宮崎 修一), Approximation Algorithms for Finding Maximum Stable Matchings

 SpencerBackman (1)

Spencer Backman, The generalized cycle-cocycle reversal system for partial graph orientations

 StefanGruenewald (1)

Stefan Gruenewald, Quartets in Weakly Compatible Split Systems

 SuilO (1)

Suil O (오수일), An odd [1,b]-factor in regular graphs from eigenvalues

 SunKim (1)

Sun Kim (김선), Two identities in Ramanujan’s Lost Notebook with Bessel function series

 TeranceTao (1)

(Distinguished Lecture) Terence Tao, The Erdős discrepancy problem

 ThomasLam (1)

Thomas Lam, Symmetric functions and variations on tableaux

 ThorstenKoch (1)

[NIMS Workshop] “Combinatorial Optimization at Work”

 TillmannMiltzow (1)

Tillmann Miltzow, The Art Gallery Problem is ∃R-complete

 TobiasMuller (1)

Tobias Müller, First Order Logic and Random (Geometric) Graphs

 TomasKaiser (1)

KAIST Graph Theory Day 2012

 TommyJensen (3)

Special session on graph theory, 2011 Spring Meeting of the Korean Mathematical Society
Tommy R. Jensen, The 3-Color Problem
Tommy R. Jensen, The Cycle Double Cover Problem for graphs

 TomooMatsumura (1)

Tomoo Matsumura, Pfaffian Sum formula of the double Schubert polynomials for the symplectic Grassmannians

 TonyHuynh (4)

Tony Huynh, Stable sets in graphs with bounded odd cycle packing number
Tony Huynh, A tight Erdős-Pósa function for planar minors
Tony Huynh, Space Proof Complexity for Random 3-CNFs
Tony Huynh, Intertwining connectivities for matroids

 UweSchauz (1)

Uwe Schauz, Describing Polynomials as Equivalent to Explicit Solutions

 ValiaMitsou (1)

Valia Mitsou, The computational complexity of the game of SET and its theoretical applications

 VanVu (1)

Van Vu, Combinatorial problems in random matrix theory

 VissarionFisikopoulos (1)

Vissarion Fisikopoulos, Polytopes defined by oracles: algorithms and combinatorics

 XavierGoaoc (6)

Xavier Goaoc, Limits of order types
Xavier Goaoc, Shatter functions of (geometric) hypergraphs
[Lecture series]Xavier Goaoc, Topological methods for discrete geometry
Xavier Goaoc, Embedding complete graphs in surfaces: what about higher dimensions?
Xavier Goaoc, Simplifying inclusion-exclusion formulas
Xavier Goaoc, Helly numbers and nerve theorems

 XudingZhu (3)

Special session on graph theory, 2011 Spring Meeting of the Korean Mathematical Society
Xuding Zhu (朱緒鼎), Fractional Colouring of Product Graphs
(Colloquium) Xuding Zhu (朱緒鼎), Circular Colouring of Graphs

 YaokunWu (1)

Yaokun Wu, Graph dynamical systems: Some combinatorial problems related to Markov chains

 YitongYin (1)

[FYI] KAIST Theory Day (May 31, 2015)

 YoshioOkamoto (1)

Yoshio Okamoto, Geometric weight balancing

 YoshioSano (1)

Yoshio Sano (佐野良夫), Matroids on convex geometries

 Zi-XiaSong (1)

Zi-Xia Song (宋梓霞), Ramsey numbers of cycles under Gallai colorings

 antoinedeza (1)

Antoine Deza, Combinatorial and geometric approaches to the colourful simplicial depth

 colloquium (13)

(Colloquium) András Sebő, Classical tools and recent advances in combinatorial optimization
[Colloquium] Jinwoo Shin (신진우), Belief Propagation for Combinatorial Optimization
[Colloquium] Choongbum Lee (이중범), Ramsey numbers of graphs
[Colloquium] Jang Soo Kim, Combinatorics of orthogonal polynomials
(Colloquium) Matt DeVos, On the structure of very small product sets
KAIST Graph Theory Day 2012
(Colloquium) Jaroslav Nešetřil, Limits of Structures and Sparse-Dense Dichotomy
(Colloquium) Satoru Iwata, Submodular Optimization and Approximation Algorithms
(Colloquium) Xuding Zhu (朱緒鼎), Circular Colouring of Graphs
(Colloquium) Shakhar Smorodinsky, Conflict-Free colorings
(Colloquium) Carsten Thomassen, Rendezvous numbers and von Neumann’s min-max theorem
(Colloquium) Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi, The disjoint paths problem: Algorithm and Structure
(Colloquium) Paul Seymour, Well-quasi-ordering tournaments and Rao’s degree-sequence conjecture

 imrebarany (2)

(KMRS Seminar) Imre Barany, Random points and lattice points in convex bodies
Imre Bárány; Tensors, colours, octahedra

 강동엽 (1)

Dong Yeap Kang (강동엽), On the rational Turán exponents conjecture

 강미현 (3)

Mihyun Kang (강미현), The genus of a random graph and the fragile genus property
Mihyun Kang (강미현), Phase transitions in random graphs
Mihyun Kang (강미현), Enumeration and uniform sampling of planar structures

 강순이 (1)

Soon-Yi Kang (강순이), The Product and Quotient of Generating Series for Partitions and Sums of Squares

 고두원 (1)

Doowon Koh (고두원), Introduction of the finite field Erdős distance problem

 국웅 (2)

Woong Kook, Combinatorial Laplacians and high dimensional tree numbers
Woong Kook (국웅), A Combinatorial Formula for Information Flow in a Network

 권영수 (3)

1st Korean Workshop on Graph Theory
2014 KAIST CMC Discrete Math Workshop
Young Soo Kwon (권영수), Maps, regular maps and Belyi functions

 권오정 (5)

O-joung Kwon (권오정), Erdős-Pósa property of chordless cycles and its applications
O-joung Kwon (권오정), On low rank-width colorings
O-joung Kwon (권오정), Generalized feedback vertex set problems on bounded-treewidth graphs
O-Joung Kwon, Upper bounds on the size of obstructions for graphs of linear rank-width at most k
O-Joung Kwon (권오정), Unavoidable vertex-minors in large prime graphs. (FRIDAY)

 권창현 (2)

Changhyun Kwon (권창현), On the Price of Satisficing in Network User Equilibria
Changhyun Kwon (권창현), Mathematical Models of Transportation Systems and Networks

 김린기 (2)

Ringi Kim (김린기), Characterization of forbidden subgraphs for bounded star-chromatic number
Ringi Kim (김린기), Unavoidable subtournaments in tournaments with large chromatic number

 김병찬 (1)

Byungchan Kim (김병찬), The Odd Moments of Ranks and Cranks

 김상욱 (1)

FYI: Enumerative Combinatorics mini Workshop 2012 (ECmW2012)

 김상현 (2)

Sang-hyun Kim, Acute Triangulations of the Sphere
Sang-hyun Kim (김상현), On Gromov Conjecture and Topological Jigsaw Puzzle

 김석진 (7)

Seog-Jin Kim (김석진), Signed coloring and list coloring of k-chromatic graphs
1st Korean Workshop on Graph Theory
Seog-Jin Kim, Bipartite graphs whose squares are not chromatic-choosable
Seog-jin Kim (김석진), On-line list colouring of complete multipartite graphs
Seog-Jin Kim (김석진), Decomposition of Sparse Graphs into Forests and a Graph with Bounded Degree
Seog-Jin Kim (김석진), Injective colorings of graphs with low average degree
Seog-Jin Kim (김석진), List-coloring the Square of a Subcubic Graph

 김선 (1)

Sun Kim (김선), Two identities in Ramanujan’s Lost Notebook with Bessel function series

 김연진 (3)

1st Korean Workshop on Graph Theory
2014 KAIST CMC Discrete Math Workshop
Younjin Kim (김연진), Cycle-saturated graphs with minimum number of edges

 김은정 (7)

Eun Jung Kim (김은정), New algorithm for multiway cut guided by strong min-max duality
Eun Jung Kim, Tree-cut width: computation and algorithmic applications
Eunjung Kim, A polynomial-time algorithm for outerplanar diameter improvement
Eunjung Kim (김은정), On subexponential and FPT-time inapproximability
Eun Jung Kim (김은정), Linear kernels and single-exponential algorithms via protrusion decompositions
Eun-Jung Kim (김은정), Solving MAX-r-SAT above a Tight Lower Bound
Eun Jung Kim (김은정), Fixed-Parameter Tractability and Parameterized Minimum Leaf Out-Branching Problems

 김일희 (2)

Ilhee Kim (김일희), A counterexample to a conjecture of Schwartz
Ilhee Kim (김일희), Forbidden induced subgraphs of double-split graphs

 김장수 (7)

[Colloquium] Jang Soo Kim, Combinatorics of orthogonal polynomials
2014 KAIST CMC Discrete Math Workshop
Jang Soo Kim (김장수), Combinatorics of continued fractions and its application to Jacobi’s triple product identity
Jang Soo Kim (김장수), Proofs of Two Conjectures of Kenyon and Wilson on Dyck Tilings
Jang Soo Kim (김장수), Combinatorics on permutation tableaux
Jang Soo Kim (김장수), New Interpretations for Noncrossing Partitions of Classical Types
Jang Soo Kim (김장수), A combinatorial approach to the power of 2 in the number of involutions

 김재훈 (11)

Jaehoon Kim, Rainbow subgraphs in graphs
Jaehoon Kim, Introduction to Graph Decomposition
(Intensive Lecture Series) Jaehoon Kim, A course in graph embedding
Jaehoon Kim (김재훈), Spanning trees in a randomly perturbed graphs
Jaehoon Kim (김재훈), Property testing for hypergraphs
Jaehoon Kim (김재훈), Tree packing conjecture for bounded degree trees
1st Korean Workshop on Graph Theory
2014 KAIST CMC Discrete Math Workshop
Jaehoon Kim, On r-dynamic coloring of graphs
Jaehoon Kim, (0,1)-improper coloring of sparse triangle-free graph
Jaehoon Kim (김재훈), Maximum hypergraphs without regular subgraphs

 김정한 (3)

(CS Colloquium) Jeong Han Kim, How to Find Counterfeit Coins? An Algorithmic Version
Jeong-Han Kim (김정한), How to find counterfeit coins? An algorithmic version.
Jeong-Han Kim (김정한), Optimal Query Complexity Bounds for Finding Graphs

 김종락 (3)

Jon-Lark Kim (김종락), Introduction to Boolean functions with Artificial Neural Network
Jon-Lark Kim (김종락), A New Class of Linear Codes for Cryptographic Uses
Jon-Lark Kim (김종락), On self-dual codes

 김진우 (1)

Jinwoo Kim (김진우), Stable Matching in Large Economies

 김하나 (1)

Hana Kim, Enumeration of symmetric hex trees and the related polynomials

 노유미 (3)

1st Korean Workshop on Graph Theory
Yoomi Rho (노유미), L(j,k) Labelings of Direct Product of Complete Graphs
Yoomi Rho (노유미), Turán type problems forbidding complete graphs and complete multipartite graphs together

 박근수 (1)

Kunsoo Park (박근수), An effective web crawling ordering from graph search techniques

 박보람 (2)

1st Korean Workshop on Graph Theory
Boram Park (박보람), Counterexamples to the List Square Coloring Conjecture

 박진영 (2)

Jinyoung Park (박진영), The number of maximal independent sets in the Hamming cube
Jinyoung Park (박진영), Coloring hypercubes

 방세정 (3)

1st Korean Workshop on Graph Theory
Special session on graph theory, 2011 Spring Meeting of the Korean Mathematical Society
Sejeong Bang (방세정), The Bannai-Ito Conjecture

 백진언 (1)

Jineon Baek, On the off-diagonal Erdős-Szekeres convex polygon problem

 서승현 (1)

FYI: Enumerative Combinatorics mini Workshop 2012 (ECmW2012)

 신진우 (2)

[Colloquium] Jinwoo Shin (신진우), Belief Propagation for Combinatorial Optimization
[FYI] KAIST Theory Day (May 31, 2015)

 신희성 (3)

FYI: Enumerative Combinatorics mini Workshop 2012 (ECmW2012)
Heesung Shin (신희성), On q-enumeration of permutations
Heesung Shin (신희성), Counting labelled trees with given indegree sequence

 안성수 (1)

Sungsoo Ahn (안성수), Minimum Weight Perfect Matching via Blossom Belief Propagation

 안진후 (1)

JinHoo Ahn (안진후), Mekler’s Construction on NTP1 Theory

 안형찬 (2)

Hyung-Chan An (안형찬), LP-based Algorithms for Capacitated Facility Location
Hyung-Chan An, Improving Christofides’ Algorithm for the s-t Path TSP

 안희갑 (2)

[Soc Colloquium] Hee-Kap Ahn (안희갑), Locating the geodesic center of a simple polygon
Hee-Kap Ahn (안희갑), The discrete Fréchet distance with imprecise input

 엄상일 (4)

1st Korean Workshop on Graph Theory
(KMRS Seminar) Sang-il Oum, An algorithm for path-width and branch-width of matroids
Special session on graph theory, 2011 Spring Meeting of the Korean Mathematical Society
Sang-il Oum (엄상일), Perfect Matchings in Claw-free Cubic Graphs

 오세웅 (1)

[FYI] KAIST Theory Day (May 31, 2015)

 오수일 (7)

Suil O (오수일), An odd [1,b]-factor in regular graphs from eigenvalues
Suil O (오수일), The second largest eigenvalue and vertex-connectivity in regular graphs
Suil O (오수일), Interlacing families and the Hermitian spectral norm of digraphs
Suil O, Spectral radius and fractional matchings in graphs
Suil O, Finding a spanning Halin subgraph in 3-connected {K_{1,3},P_5}-free graphs
Suil O (오수일), Path Cover Number in 4-regular Graphs and Hamiltonicity in Connected Regular Graphs
Suil O (오수일), Usage of Balloons in Regular Graphs

 오수호 (2)

Suho Oh, Fun with wires
Suho Oh (오수호), Matchings in Bipartite Graphs and the Generalized Permutohedra

 오승상 (1)

Seungsang Oh, Enumeration of multiple self-avoiding polygons in a confined square lattice

 옥성민 (2)

Seongmin Ok (옥성민), On properties of almost all matroids
Seongmin Ok (옥성민), Tutte’s conjecture on minimum number of spanning trees of 3-connected graphs

 유미수 (2)

Meesue Yoo (유미수), Schur expansion of the integral form of Macdonald polynomials
Meesue Yoo (유미수), p-rook numbers and cycle counting in the wreath product of Cp and Sn

 유환철 (4)

HwanChul Yoo (유환철), Diagrams, balanced labellings and affine Stanley symmetric functions
HwanChul Yoo (유환철), Purity of weakly separated set families
FYI: Enumerative Combinatorics mini Workshop 2012 (ECmW2012)
HwanChul Yoo (유환철), Triangulations of Product of Simplices and Tropical Oriented Matroid

 이다빈 (1)

Dabeen Lee, Integrality of set covering polyhedra and clutter minors

 이상준 (5)

Sang June Lee (이상준), On strong Sidon sets of integers
1st Korean Workshop on Graph Theory
(ASARC seminar) Sang June Lee, Extremal results on combinatorial number theory
Sang June Lee (이상준), Dynamic coloring and list dynamic coloring of planar graphs
Sangjune Lee (이상준), The maximum size of a Sidon set contained in a sparse random set of integers

 이승진 (1)

Seung jin Lee, Centrally symmetric polytopes with many faces

 이애자 (2)

Ae Ja Yee (이애자), Partitions associated with three third order mock theta functions
Ae Ja Yee (이애자), Combinatorics of generalized q-Euler numbers

 이의웅 (4)

Euiwoong Lee (이의웅), Faster Exact and Approximate Algorithms for k-Cut
Euiwoong Lee (이의웅), Bridging Continuous and Discrete Optimization through the Lens of Approximation
Euiwoong Lee (이의웅), FPT Approximation Algorithms for Graph Problems
[FYI] KAIST Theory Day (May 31, 2015)

 이준경 (6)

Joonkyung Lee (이준경), On some properties of graph norms
Joonkyung Lee (이준경), Sidorenko’s conjecture for blow-ups
Joonkyung Lee (이준경), The extremal number of subdivisions
Joonkyung Lee (이준경), Counting tree-like graphs in locally dense graphs
1st Korean Workshop on Graph Theory
Joonkyung Lee, Some Advances in Sidorenko’s Conjecture

 이준엽 (1)

Joon Yop Lee (이준엽), Polytope numbers

 이중범 (6)

[Colloquium] Choongbum Lee (이중범), Ramsey numbers of graphs
Choongbum Lee (이중범), Ramsey numbers of cubes versus cliques
Choongbum Lee (이중범), Self-similarity of graphs
Choongbum Lee (이중범), Large and judicious bisections of graphs
Choongbum Lee (이중범), Quasi-randomness of graph properties
Choongbum Lee (이중범), Resilient pancyclicity of random graphs

 임성진 (1)

[CS Colloquium] Sungjin Im, Competitive Scheduling from Competitive Equilibria

 정교민 (1)

Kyomin Jung (정교민), Approximate Inference Algorithms for Doubling Dimensional Graphs and Minor Excluded Graphs

 정예림 (1)

Yerim Chung (정예림), Inverse chromatic number problems

 정지윤 (1)

JiYoon Jung, The topology of restricted partition posets

 정하웅 (1)

Hawoong Jeong (정하웅), Price of Anarchy in Transportation Networks

 조수진 (1)

FYI: Enumerative Combinatorics mini Workshop 2012 (ECmW2012)

 최광주 (1)

Kwang Ju Choi, Nearly planar graphs and graph minor obstructions for embedding on the spindle surface

 최성순 (1)

Sung-Soon Choi (최성순), Hypergraph Finding and Linkage Learning

 최수영 (2)

2014 KAIST CMC Discrete Math Workshop
Suyoung Choi (최수영), The rational Betti number of small covers and its combinatorics

 최일규 (7)

Ilkyoo Choi (최일규), Largest 2-regular subgraphs in 3-regular graphs
Ilkyoo Choi (최일규), Improper coloring graphs on surfaces
1st Korean Workshop on Graph Theory
2014 KAIST CMC Discrete Math Workshop
Ilkyoo Choi, Choosability of Toroidal Graphs with Forbidden Structures
Ilkyoo Choi (최일규), The list version of the Borodin-Kostochka Conjecture for graphs with large maximum degree
Ilkyoo Choi (최일규), Avoiding Large Squares in Partial Words

 최정옥 (2)

1st Korean Workshop on Graph Theory
Jeong Ok Choi (최정옥), Forbidden subposets for fractional weak discrepancy at most k

 허준이 (4)

June Huh (허준이), Negative correlation and Hodge-Riemann relations
June Huh, Tropical Laplacian
June Huh (허준이), Characteristic polynomials and the Bergman fan of matroids
June Huh (허준이), Milnor numbers of projective hypersurfaces and the chromatic polynomial of graphs

 허충길 (1)

Chung-Kil Hur (허충길), Term Equational Systems and Logics

 홍석희 (1)

Seok-Hee Hong (홍석희), Recent Advances in Straight-line Graph Drawing: Extending Steinitz’s Theorem, Fary’s Theorem and Tutte’s Barycenter Theorem

 홍성필 (1)

Sung-Pil Hong (홍성필), Approximability of a batch consolidation problem

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