Department of Mathematics, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, Rhode Island, U.S.A.
In 1989, Stephenson and Zelen derived an elegant formula for the information Iab contained in all possible paths between two nodes a and b in a network, which is described as follows. Given a finite weighted graph G and its Laplacian matrix L, the combinatorial Green’s function , of G is the inverse of L+J, where J is the all 1’s matrix. Then, it was shown that Iab=(gaa+gbb-2gab)-1, where gij is the (i,j)-th entry of
. In this talk, we prove an intriguing combinatorial formula for Iab:
where is the complexity, or tree-number, of G, and Ga*b is obtained from G by identifying two vertices a and b. We will discuss several implications of this new formula, including the equivalence of Iab and the effective conductance between two nodes in electrical networks.