Mohit Kumbhat, Choosability with separation in graphs and hypergraphs

Choosability with separation in graphs and hypergraphs
Mohit Kumbhat
Department of Mathematics, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, South Korea
2012/11/22 Thu 4PM-5PM
For a hypergraph G and a positive integer c, let χ(G,c) be the minimum value of ℓ such that G is L-colorable from every list L with |L(v)|=ℓ for each v∈V(G) and |L(u)∩L(v)|≤c for all e=uv∈E(G). This parameter was studied by Kratochvíl, Tuza and Voigt for various kinds of graphs. In this talk, we present the asymptotics of χ(G,c) for complete graphs, complete multipartite graphs and hypergraphs. This is a joint work with Z. Füredi and A. Kostochka.
Tags: MohitKumbhat

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