Seminars in June 2013

  • Jaehoon Kim, (0,1)-improper coloring of sparse triangle-free graph

    (0,1)-improper coloring of sparse triangle-free graph
    Jaehoon Kim
    Department of Mathematics
    University of Illinois at Urbana Champagne
    2013/06/04 Tuesday 4PM-5PM
    ROOM 3433
    A graph G is (0,1)-colorable if V(G) can be partitioned into two sets V and V1 so that G[V] is an independent set and G[V1] has maximum degree at most 1. The problem of verifying whether a graph is (0,1)-colorable is NP-complete even in the class of planar graphs of girth 9.</p>

    Maximum average degree, Mad(G), is a graph parameter measuring how sparse the graph G is. Borodin and Kostochka showed that every graph G with Mad(G) ≤ 12/5 is (0,1)-colorable, thus every planar graph with girth at least 12 also is (0,1)-colorable.

    The aim of this talk is to prove that every triangle-free graph G with Mad(G) ≤ 22/9 is (0,1)-colorable. We prove the slightly stronger statement that every triangle-free graph G with |E(H)| < (11|V(H)|+5)/9 for every subgraph H is (0,1)-colorable and show that there are infinitely many non (0,1)-colorable graphs G with |E(G)|= (11|V(G)|+5)/9.

    This is joint work with A. V. Kostochka and Xuding Zhu.


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