Ilkyoo Choi, Choosability of Toroidal Graphs with Forbidden Structures

Choosability of Toroidal Graphs with Forbidden Structures
2014/07/07 Monday 4PM-5PM
Room 1409
The choosability \chi_\ell(G) of a graph G is the minimum k such that having k colors available at each vertex guarantees a proper coloring. Given a toroidal graph G, it is known that \chi_\ell(G)\leq 7, and \chi_\ell(G)=7 if and only if G contains K_7. Cai, Wang, and Zhu proved that a toroidal graph G without 7-cycles is 6-choosable, and \chi_\ell(G)=6 if and only if G contains K_6. They also prove that a toroidal graph G without 6-cycles is 5-choosable, and conjecture that \chi_\ell(G)=5 if and only if G contains K_5. We disprove this conjecture by constructing an infinite family of non-4-colorable toroidal graphs with neither K_5 nor cycles of length at least 6; moreover, this family of graphs is embeddable on every surface except the plane and the projective plane. Instead, we prove the following slightly weaker statement suggested by Zhu: toroidal graphs containing neither K^-_5 (a K_5 missing one edge) nor 6-cycles are 4-choosable. This is sharp in the sense that forbidding only one of the two structures does not ensure that the graph is 4-choosable.
Tags: 최일규

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