
Archive of posts with tag 'CharilaosEfthymiou'

  • Charilaos Efthymiou, A Simple Algorithm for Sampling Colourings of G(n, d/n) Up to Gibbs Uniqueness Threshold

    A Simple Algorithm for Sampling Colourings of G(n, d/n) Up to Gibbs
    Uniqueness Threshold
    Charilaos Efthymiou
    Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA
    2015/6/10 Wed 4PM-5PM
    Approximate random k-colouring of a graph G=(V,E) is a very well
    studied problem in computer science, discrete mathematics and
    statistical physics. It amounts to constructing a k-colouring of G
    which is distributed close to Gibbs distribution in polynomial time.
    In this talk, we deal with the problem when the underlying graph is an
    instance of Erdos-Renyi random graph G(n,d/n), where d is fixed. In
    this paper we propose a novel efficient algorithm for approximate
    random k-colouring G(n,d/n). To be more specific, with probability at
    least 1-n-Ω(1) over the input instances G(n,d/n) and for kgeq
    (1+ε)d, the algorithm returns a k-colouring which is distributed
    within total variation distance n-Ω(1) from the Gibbs
    distribution of the input graph. The algorithm we propose is neither a
    MCMC one nor inspired by the message passing algorithms proposed by
    statistical physicists. Roughly the idea is as follows: Initially we
    remove sufficiently many edges of the input graph. This results in a
    graph which can be coloured randomly efficiently. Then we move back
    the removed edges one by one. Every time we add an edge we update the
    colouring of the graph, with the new edge, so that the colouring
    remains (sufficiently) random. The performance depends heavily on
    certain spatial correlation decay properties of the Gibbs

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