
Archive of posts with tag 'GenaHahn'

  • Gena Hahn, Cops, robbers, infinite graphs and related problems

    Cops, robbers, infinite graphs and related problems
    Gena Hahn
    University of Montreal, Canada
    2014/05/14 Wednesday 4PM-5PM
    Room 1409
    We briefly survey the game of cops-and-robbers on graphs and its variants in the fi nite case and then concenrate on in finite graphs, stressing the diff erence between the fi nite and the in finite. Along the way we show (time allowing) how to construct in finite vertex transitive graphs from any graphs and point out some strange properties of the construction. We also suggest several open problems, both fi nite and infi nite. The talk is based on work with A. Bonato, C.Tardif and R.E. Woodrow.

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