
Archive of posts with tag 'YaokunWu'

  • Yaokun Wu, Graph dynamical systems: Some combinatorial problems related to Markov chains

    Graph dynamical systems: Some combinatorial problems related to Markov chains
    Yaokun Wu
    Department of Mathematics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
    2015/8/5 Wed 3PM-3:50PM
    An order-t Markov chain is a discrete process where the outcome of each trial is linearly determined by the outcome of most recent t trials. The set of outcomes can be modelled by functions from a set V to a set F. The linear influences can be described as t-linear maps. When t=1, the set of linear influences can be conveniently described as digraphs on the vertex set V. Most of our talk is concerned with a combinatorial counterpart of Markov chains, where we can only tell the difference between zero probability and positive probability. We especially focus on the Boolean case, namely F is a 2-element set. This talk is to introduce several easy-to-state combinatorial problems about discrete dynamics, which arise from the combinatorial considerations of Markov chains.

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