
Archive of posts with tag '이승진'

  • Seung jin Lee, Centrally symmetric polytopes with many faces

    Centrally symmetric polytopes with many faces
    Seung jin Lee
    KIAS, Seoul
    2014/03/17 Monday 4PM-5PM
    Room 1409
    We study the convex hull of the symmetric moment curve Uk(t)=(cost, sint, cos3t, sin3t, …., cos(2k-1)t, sin(2k-1)t) in R2k and provide deterministic constructions of centrally symmetric polytopes with a record high number faces. In particular, we prove the local neighborliness of the symmetric moment curve, meaning that as long as k distinct points t1, …, tk lie in an arc of a certain length φk > π/2, the points Ut1, …, Utk span a face of the convex hull of Uk(t). In this talk, I will use the local neighborliness of the symmetric moment curve to construct d-dimensional centrally symmetric 2-neighborly polytopes with approximately 3d/2 vertices. This is joint work with Alexander Barvinok and Isabella Novik.

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